Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Zuhudi Abdullah

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Zuhudi Abdullah


Zeitraum: 2016 – 2017 Gastwissenschaftler, Universität Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia

Thema / Repräsentative Veröffentlichung:

Electrophoretic deposition of biopolymer-bioceramic filler composite coatings on metallic biomaterials

Mitarbeiter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Biomedical metallic materials such as stainless steel, titanium and it alloys have good mechanical properties and biocompatibiltity but do not posses bioactive behaviour. Therefore, biopolymers combined with bioactive inorganic fillers are being investigated to develop the bio-function behaviour and optimize the performance and biocompatibility (improve cell adhesion and proliferation) of metals [1, 2].  Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) has been identified as an economical and versatile processing technique for biopolymer and composite coatings at a low temperature for a wide range of biomedical applications [2]. This project investigates EPD based techniques for the deposition of biodegradable polymer-bioactive filler composite coatings for orthopedic applications.

[1] Pishbin, F.,  et al., Electrophoretic deposition of chitosan/45S5 Bioglass® composite coatings for orthopaedic applications, Surface and Coatings Technology 205 (2011) 5260–5268.

[2] Boccaccini, A. R., Keim, S., Ma, R., Li, Y., Zhitomirsky, I., Electrophoretic deposition of biomaterials, J. Royal Soc. Interface 7 (2010) S581 – S613.