Faina Bider

Faina Bider, M. Sc.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Material Science (Biomaterials)

Room: Room 01.112
Ulrich-Schalk-Str. 3
91056 Erlangen

PhD student

Bioactive hydrogel scaffolds containing bioactive glass and natural molecules for tissue engineering applications


Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Biofabrication involves the processing of cell laden hydrogels, usually by 3D bioprinting technique, to obtain complex 3D tissue-like constructs for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine [1]. Alginate-based hydrogels are widely used in the field of biofabrication considering their biocompatibilty and bioprinting capability. Alginate based bioinks can be enhanced in their biological and mechanical properties by combination with other biomolecules (e.g. proteins) [2], and bioreactive fillers [3]. The field of natural compounds is being increasingly considered for providing extra functionalities to hydrogels, for example plant derived biomolecules. The aim of this project is the design, characterization and application of novel alginate based hydrogels incorporating bioactive glasses and biomolecules to achieve novel (multi)functionalities for tissue engineering approaches.

[1] J. Groll et al., “Biofabrication: Reappraising the definition of an evolving field,” Biofabrication 8, 013001, 2016.

[2] B. Sarker, et al., “Fabrication of alginate–gelatin crosslinked hydrogel microcapsules and evaluation of the microstructure and physico-chemical properties”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2, 1470-1482, 2014.

[3] S. Heid, A. R. Boccaccini, “Advancing bioinks for 3D bioprinting using reactive fillers: A review”, Acta Biomat. 113, 1-22, 2020.