Jonas Baumann

Jonas Baumann

Master student

Development of electrospun composite fibre dressing based on recombinant collagen for wound healing


Supervisors: Meng Li, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Dealing with chronic or acute wounds is a challenge for many patients and imposes a high annual treatment cost for the healthcare system. Consequently, various strategies of wound treatment are being developed worldwide with the aim to reduce infections and shorten treatment duration [1]. Wound healing is a complex process that can be roughly divided into four stages: Haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and maturation [2]. Central to all these stages is the involvement of the extracellular matrix (ECM), with collagen as its primary constituent. However, natural collagen sourced from animals faces challenges such as processing technology, degradation rate and disinfection process, which restrict their application. Recombinant collagen provides a promising solution to these problems [3,4]. Using electrospinning enables the creation of continuous fibres at micro- or nanoscale, resulting in scaffolds with high porosity and flexibility [5]. In this master’s thesis, we will develop a recombinant collagen fibre dressing utilizing electrospinning technology, which will be combined with calcium peroxide and bioactive glass nanoparticles. This recombinant collagen-based fibre dressing has the potential to effectively accelerate anti-inflammatory processes and promote wound healing.