Month: December 2012

The Emerging Fields project TOPbiomat coordinated by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini celebrated one year of successful collaboration with the end-of-year meeting on 18th December. A total of 25 researchers are now working in the framework of this Emerging Fields Initiative funded project including academics,...

Kategorie: 2012, EFI, News

Dr Tim Douglas, a research associate at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Gent (Belgium) visited our Institute on 17th December. We discussed collaborations in the field of nanocomposites for tissue engineering based on bioactive glass nanoparticles incorporated in soft matrices. I...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, News

Dr Fredrik Ollila, (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini), Chief Executive Officer of BonAlive Biomaterials Ltd., visited our Institute on 12th December 2012 to discuss the on-going collaboration in the field of bioactive glasses for bone tissue regeneration. BonAlive Biomaterials Ltd. is based in Turku, ...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, News

On 3rd December 2012, Prof. A. R. Boccaccini (Institute of Biomaterials) and Prof. R. Horch (Chair for Plastic and Hand Surgery) presented the Emerging Fields project "TOPbiomat" in the framework of the Emerging Fields Lectures Series of our University. Prof. Heike Walles of the Unversity of Würzbur...

Kategorie: 2012, EFI, News, Vorträge