“Emerging Fields” Project TOPbiomat: Master Thesis Completed

Tobias Zehnder hält seinen Mastervortrag im Rahmen des TOPbiomat-Projektes

On 25th April, Mr Tobias Zehnder (student of Materials Science and Engineering) presented successfully the results of his Master thesis project entitled “Characterisation and processing of alginate-based hydrogels for application in 3-D plotting”.
This research project was carried out under supervision of Dr. Rainer Detsch, Dr. Jochen Kaschta (Institute of Polymer Materials), Prof. Dirk Schubert (Institute of Polymer Materials) and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (pictured with Mr Zehnder), as a collaborative project in the framework of the FAU Emerging Fields Initiative Project TOPbiomat. (Click image to enlarge)