Visit of Prof. Bernhard Hensel (Max Schaldach Endowed Professorship for Biomedical Technology)

Prof. Bernhard Hensel (May Schaldach Endowed Professorship für Biomedical Technology), Institut für Physik der Universität von Erlangen, Dr. Alexander Rzany und Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini

On 11th August 2016 we received the visit of Prof. Bernhard Hensel (Max Schaldach Endowed Professorship for Biomedical Technology), Department of Physics, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg) and members of his team, Dr. Alexander Rzany, Ms Tina Pieger (PhD student) and Mr Tobias Igelspacher (PhD student). The visitors presented the seminar: “Implant Materials for Interventional Cardiology”. Given the complementary character of our research interests in the field of natural scaffolds and synthetic biomaterials and their combinations for tissue engineering, we are planning close collaboration with the group of Prof. Hensel in the coming months.
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