Visit of Prof. Barbara Nebe, University of Rostock

Prof. Boccaccini, zusammen mit Prof. Nebe bei ihrem Besuch am Lehrstuhl Biomaterialien.

Prof. Barbara Nebe, Head of Cell Biology Division, Medical Centre of the University of Rostock, visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 21st January 2019. We are currently collaborating with Prof. Nebe’s research group in the field of cell-material interactions in the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre-SFB 1270 “Electrically Active Implants” (ELAINE), of which our Institute is a partner. Prof. Nebe delivered also a presentation in the framework of the seminar series of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR 225 “From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” entitled: “Cell attractive design of material surfaces – effects of topography and chemistry”.