Prof. Boccaccini celebrates 25 years as member of the German Society of Glass Technology (DGG)

25 Jahre Mitglied bei der DGG

Professor Boccaccini celebrates (more than) 25 years as an active member of the German Society of Glass Technology (Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft) (DGG), which he joined as doctoral student in 1993. Prof. Boccaccini says: “I am proud of my continuous membership of the German Society of Glass Technology. The DGG was in fact one of the first professional societies I joined after arriving in Germany from Argentina, when I was carrying out my doctoral thesis at RWTH Aachen University. Indeed one of my first research papers [1] was published in “GLASS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Glastechnische Berichte”, the former official journal of DGG. The DGG has been very important in my career for more than 25 years, at DGG meetings I have met numerous highly qualified experts and colleagues in the field of glasses and glass-ceramics, and I have benefited over the years from scientific exchanges with several colleagues who I first met at DGG meetings, certainly participating at the DGG Annual Meeting is a very gratifying experience both professionally and personally. Prof. Boccaccini is a co-founder of the DGG-DKG Working Group: Glass-crystalline multifunctional materials (AK Glasig-kristalline Multifunktionswerkstoffe) (established in 2002) and this year, he serves in the Organizing Committee of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Glass Technology in Conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the French Union for Science and Glass Technology (USTV) to be held on 13-15 May 2019 in Nuremberg. [1] A. R. Boccaccini and G. Ondracek, Viscous sintering of non-spherical borosilicate-glass powder, Glastech. Ber., 65 (1992) 73 -78.