Visit to Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

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During the week exchange (14.11.22 – 21.11.22) at the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, in the Department of Centre of Nanomaterial, Advanced Technologies and Innovations, Zoya Hadzhieva and Faina Bider (PhD students of the Institute of Biomaterials) got familiar with the facilities for fibers fabrication as well as 3D printing focused on CAD additive manufacturing and SLA printing methods. Moreover, they received a deep insight in the antibacterial and cell biology laboratories in our Czech partner institution. The visit is funded by the Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur (BTHA / BAYHOST) in the framework of our bilateral project “New types of hybrid fibrous scaffolds prepared via electrospinning and 3D printing”.