Prof. Martin F. Desimone, University of Buenos Aires, presents invited talk (online) at the Institute of Biomaterials

A screenshot of a zoom meeting with Prof. Boccaccini and Prof. Desimone with the first slide of his presentation.

On 7th December Prof. Martin F. Desimone, professor at Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires,  Argentina, and principal investigator of CONICET, Argentina, presented the invited talk “Exploring the immunomodulatory potential of nanoparticles” in the frame of the seminar series “Advances in Biomaterials” at the FAU Institute of Biomaterials. We are planning to initiate collaboration with Prof. Desimone in the field of bioreactive nanoparticles for drug delivery.

A screenshot of a zoom meeting with Prof. Boccaccini and Prof. Desimone with the first slide of his presentation.