Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini interviewed in BIOspektrum

A picture of Prof. Boccaccini in the lab.

Following the publication of the interesting article “Tinten für die Biofabrikation – Druckbarkeit vs. Biokompatibilität?” (authors: Sonja Kuth, Markus Lorke, Renato Firschknecht, Aldo R. Boccaccini) in BIOspektrum, a Life Science journal of Springer-Verlag, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was interviewed by the journal. The article led by Sonja Kuth (PhD student) presents the result of a research collaboration between the Institute of Biomaterials and the group of Dr. Renato Firschknecht at the FAU Department of Biology, in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC 1540) “Exploring Brain Mechanics”.

The interview with Prof. Boccaccini is now published (in German language) in the homepage of the journal:

A picture of Prof. Boccaccini in the lab.