Visit of Prof. I. Dlouhy (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Dr. Steven Mullens, Wissenschaftler des VITO, Mol, Belgien, und von Mr. V. Ozhukil Kollath besuchten unseren Lehrstuhl. Auf dem Bild zusammen mit Prof. Boccaccini.

In the framework of our EU funded GLACERCO project, on 4th May 2012, we received the visit of Prof. Ivo Dlouhy and Mr. Luca Bertolla (PhD student) of the Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno (Czech Republic), who are collaborating with our Institute in one of the subprojects of GLACERCO related to the measurement of the mechanical properties of bioactive glass and composite scaffolds. Further collaboration is planned which will involve the analysis of fracture mechanisms of polymer coated scaffolds under compressive loads.

In the photo: Mr Luca Bertolla, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini and Prof. I. Dlouhy.