Kick-off meeting of “SynBio” EFI project

Forschungsgruppe des SynBio-Projektes

The kick-off meeting of the project: “Synthetic Biology” took place on 5th February 2014. The program of the meeting is available here (Click “here” to access it).
The project is funded by the Emerging Fields Initiative of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The project coordinator is Prof. U. Sonnewald (Department of Biology). Prof. Boccaccini is one of the principal investigators (pictured with the other PIs). The project investigates the design and construction of new biological devices for a variety of applications and constitutes an interdisciplinary research platform involving the fields of Biology, Informatics, Mathematics, Materials Science and Physics to understand biological phenomena at the nanometer scale, to explore rational metabolic engineering of living cells and to create bio-inspired nano-devices.(Click image to enlarge)