I.DEAR program: visits from Argentina
On 2-3 July 2015 we received the visit of Prof. Silvia N. Simison, Department of Electrochemistry and Corrosion, University of Mar del Plata, Argentina, Dr. Ing. Flavio Soldera, Department of Functional Materials, University of Saarland, principal investigators, together with Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini of the I.DEAR (Ingenieure Deutschland-Argentinien) exchange program. Also Prof. Sonia P. Brühl, National Technological University (UTN), Argentina, visited our Institute and Mr Micael Frank, PhD student at FAU participated at the meetings. The group visited also Dr B. Perlick, Central Office for International Affairs at FAU and Dipl.-Pol. Luise Freitag at University Centre of Baviera for Latin America (BayLat). Prof. Simison presented the lecture: “Corrosion of nitrided stainless steels” in the framework of our “Advances in Biomaterials” seminar. I.DEAR is an international exchange program in materials science and engineering in which the University of Saarland, Universidad de Mar del Plata (Argentina) and our University are participating. The program is supported by the German-Argentinean University Centre (DAHZ). I.DEAR enables Master students of materials science and engineering to spend one year in Argentina. Students from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) spend the first 6 months at University of Mar del Plata taking courses and in the last 6 months they carry out a research project in a research institute or industry in Argentina and write their Master thesis. The same offer is valid for argentinian Master students from Mar del Plata. The year abroad is completely funded by the program. (Click images to enlarge)