Kickoff meeting of DFG funded project on cardiac tissue engineering

The kickoff meeting of our new DFG funded project on fibrous biomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering, in collaboration with the group of _Prof. Felix Engel (Experimental Renal and Cardiovascular Research, University Hospital Erlangen) took place on 12th December 2016 at the Institute of Biomaterials (BioMat). In the photo Prof. Boccaccini (BioMat), Florian Ruther (BioMat), Lena Vogt (BioMat), Kaveh Roshanbinfar (Experimental Renal and Cardiovascular Research), Jana Petzold (Experimental Renal and Cardiovascular Research) and Prof. F. Engel. The project will investigate a new family of electrically conductive biopolymer patches for cardiac regeneration. Our previous work in collaboration with Prof. Engel’s group has been published [1, 2]. [1] M. Tallawi, et al. Novel PGS/PCL electrospun fiber mats with patterned topographical features for cardiac patch applications, Materials Science and Engineering C 69 (2016) 569–576. [2] M. Tallawi, et al., Poly (glycerol sebacate)/poly (butylene succinate-butylene dilinoleate) fibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering,Tissue Eng. Part C: Methods 21 (2015), 585-596.