Visit from Japan

Prof. A. R. Boccaccini, Dr. Liverani, Prof. A. Matsuda, Dr. G. Kawamura und Dr. R. Matsuda

Prof. Atsunori Matsuda, Assist. Prof. Go Kawamura, and Dr. Reiko Matsuda from Toyohashi University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering, Japan, visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 28th Nov. – 2nd December 2016. We are collaborating with the group of Prof. Matsuda in the field of electrophoretic deposition of nanomaterials. In the photo (l. to r.): Prof. A. R. Boccaccini, Dr. L. Liverani (FAU), Prof. A. Matsuda, Dr. G. Kawamura and Dr. R. Matsuda.
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