End of the Year Meeting at the Institute of Biomaterials

Fackelwanderung an der Weihnachtsfeier des Lehrstuhls Biomaterialien

The end-of-the-year meeting at the Institute of Biomaterials took place on 19th December 2016 in our new building in Erlangen-West. Professor Boccaccini gave a presentation summarizing the achievements of the year 2016. He put some of such achievements in numbers, stating for example that during the year, 6 doctoral students achieved their Dr.-Ing. degree, 47 Master, Bachelor and Project students carried out their research projects or theses in our Institute. In 2016, also 5 new PhD students started their doctoral projects in our Institute and we received 34 international visitors this year, including academic visitors and visiting undergraduate and graduate students, e.g. Erasmus exchange students. We were also successful in receiving prizes and awards, 6 in total, including two awards for PhD students (Lukas Gritsch and Yuyun Yang). We gave more than 25 presentations at conferences around the world, many of them invited or keynote presentations. Our publication activity was also superb, our Institute published 68 papers in scientific journals during 2016. Last but not least, as Prof. Boccaccini emphasized, other highlights of the year were the inauguration in July of our new building and experimental facilities in Ulrich-Schalk Street, and the very successful international symposium we organized in November. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !