Visit to Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Argentina

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Two PhD researchers from our institute; Ms Marcela Arango Ospina and Ms Hazel Simila, have been in Argentina from 25.11.2022 to 08.12.2022, to represent our Institute at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). This visit is under the framework of a joint project funded by the DAAD on “Bioactive glass integrated with microfluidic devices for biomedical applications”.

Through this collaboration, our team at the FAU Institute of Biomaterials together with the group of Dr. Betiana Lerner (CONICET – UTN) will develop reliable models for investigating cell viability and antibacterial properties of bioactive glass nanoparticles in microfluidic-based tissue engineering approaches. During the two-week stay, both teams presented aspects of their research, and the Erlangen team was introduced to practical experiments on yeast proliferation in microfluidic devices being undertaken by the team of Prof. Lerner. Pictured: Dr. Betiana Lerner, Dr. Maximiliano Sebastián Pérez, Mr Juan Fernando Campaña Pérez, Ms Marcela Arango Ospina and Ms Hazel Simila (PhD researchers).