Prof. Andrew Daly (National University of Ireland Galway) visits the Institute of Biomaterials

Left: Prof. Boccaccini and Prof. Daly in the lab, watching a 3D printing demonstration. Right: The two standing outside next to the institutes sign

On 28th July 2023, we received the visit of Dr. Andrew Daly, Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Ireland Galway. He was in Erlangen as one of the invited speakers in the Summer School 2023 of the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TRR225 “Biofabrication”, co-organised by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini and Prof. Felix Engel (Univ. Hospital Erlangen). Prof Daly gave a very interesting presentation on biofabrication approaches for tissue development and disease models. He visited the laboratories of our Institute and discussed research activities of common interest in the field of bioprinting with members of our Institute.

Left: Prof. Boccaccini and Prof. Daly in the lab, watching a 3D printing demonstration. Right: The two standing outside next to the institutes sign