Presentation Award for Marcela Arango Ospina

A slide titled "Results of the 1st Bioceramics Student Speech Contest", with the 3 winners faces on it, including Marcela.

Marcela Arango Ospina, PhD student at our institute, carrying out a research project on angiogenic and antibacterial bioactive glasses under supervision of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, won third place in the “1st Bioceramics Student Speech Contest” organized by the ECerS Bioceramics Network, held online on 17-18 April 2024. Marcela presented the topic “Incorporation of boron and strontium in silicate bioactive glasses for enhanced antibacterial properties.” The contest was open to PhD students and Post-doc researchers worldwide working in the field of bioceramics. The award consists of a cash prize to attend conferences or workshops organized or supported by ECerS. Congratulations Marcela!

A slide titled "Results of the 1st Bioceramics Student Speech Contest", with the 3 winners faces on it, including Marcela.