Prof. Boccaccini attends the online Board Meeting of the Bioceramics Network of the European Ceramic Society

Zoom screenshot of ECERS board meeting members.

A new meeting of the Board of the Bioceramics Network of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS) was held online on 14th May 2024 online with participation of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. The Bioceramics Network was established in 2022 by the European Ceramic Society and is sponsored by the JECS Trust. The coordinator of the Network is Prof. Paola Palmero from Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. Prof. Boccaccini is a founding member of the  Bioceramics Network, which has as its main goal bringing together experts from academia, industry and healthcare professionals working on in the fields of bioceramics and bioactive glasses, mainly those based in European Institutions, and to disseminate information about bioceramics activities by organising diverse activities, including outreach activities and events for early career researchers.

Zoom screenshot of ECERS board meeting members.