Derzeit besuchen uns Forscher der University of Technology aus Bagdad, Irak, das Institut für Biomaterialien. Wir begrüßen Prof. Dr. Mohammed Jasim Kadhim Al-Tameemi, Direktor des Forschungszentrums für Nanotechnologie und Advanced Materials, und Ayad Naseef Jasim, Doktorand am Department für Produk...

Category: 2018, Besucher, International, News

On 15-22 October 2018 we received the visit of Ms. Ing. Kristyna Svagrova, PhD student at University of Chemistry and Technology, VSCHT, Department of Glass and Ceramics, Prague, Czech Republic, working with Ass. Prof. Dana Rohanova. This visit was funded by the Technical Committee 04 (Bioglasse...

Category: 2018, Besucher, International, News