Visit of Prof. K. K. Chawla

Prof. K. K. Chawla zu Besuch an unserem Lehrstuhl

Professor Krish Chawla, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Birmingham, Alabama, USA visited our Institute earlier this month in the context of the EU ITN project Glacerco. We have carried out extensive collaborative research activities with Prof. Chawla in the field of composite materials over the years (e.g. [1]). Prof Chawla, together with Dr.  G. Gladysz, Prof. T. Ohji and Prof. A. R. Boccaccini are the co-chairs of the 4th International Conference on Syntactic and Composite Foams, to be held on November 2-7, 2014, in Santa Fe, NM, USA(Click image to enlarge)

[1] C. Kaya, F. Kaya, E.G. Butler, A.R. Boccaccini, K.K. Chawla, “Development and characterisation of high-density oxide fibre-reinforced oxide ceramic matrix composites with improved mechanical properties,” Journal of European Ceramic Society, 29 (2009) 1631.