Prof. Boccaccini invited speaker in Turin

Professor Boccaccini is one of the invited speakers at the Workshop “Materials for Health” to be held at Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, on 16-17 July 2014. The workshop will focus on clinical, research and industrial issues related to biomaterials for regeneration and therapy. It is organized with the co-participation of three European Working Groups on Biomaterials: WG “Materials for Health” of the platform Alliance for Materials Italia, WG7 “Biomaterials” of the EuMat platform WG3 “Biomaterials of_KMM VIN” Prof. Boccaccini will present the lecture: “Composite materials for multifunctional tissue engineering scaffolds”. Professor Boccaccini coordinator of the working group WG3 “Biomaterials” of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials AISBL (KMM-VIN).