Most cited paper award: J. Non-Crystalline Solids

Zertifikat Meist zitierter Artikel 2017

On occasion of the 15th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids and 14th Conference European Society of Glass, held in July 2018 in Saint Malo, France, the highly cited papers published in the J. of Non-Crystalline Solids were announced.

In this category our paper entitled: “Bioactive glasses: Special applications outside the skeletal system“, co-authored with colleagues of Polytechnic of Turin (F. Baino, G. Novajra and C. Vitale-Brovarone) and Ms V. Miguez-Pacheco (PhD student in our Institute) [1], received the 2017 Top Cited Article Award.

The paper has been cited 69 times, according to Scopus.

[1] F. Baino, et al., Bioactive glasses: Special applications outside the skeletal system, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 432, Part A (2016) 15-30.